FareShare Case study curated by Sin Ting Lui/ Cindi FareShare, is a non-profit community organisation, that aims that a society where food is not wasted and no one goes hungry. For current situation, they reduce the amount of food waste, then cook and distribute...
Zero Waste Daniel Case study curated by Brayden Dunstan Zero waste Daniel is an American company producing ‘zero waste’ clothing. Created by fashion designer Daniel Silverstein, all of their clothing is made from pre consumer cutting room scraps. Their mission is...
Dresden Case study curated by Yuchen Luo/Trafalgar Values:Small-economy / local resource / recycling Dresden is an Australian studio that produces fair-price glasses inspirited by German values of design and manufacturing. They collect materials from disposal to...
REGROUND Case Study curated by Yuchen Luo/Trafalgar and Sin Ting Lui/ Cindi Values: small-economy / local resource / recycling / contribution /community Reground is a program divert ground coffee waste from landfill in Melbourne. They educate the community on waste...
Apple Liam Case study curated by Peter/Panayiotis Kyprianou, Kevin/Hanbin Liang and Yizhen Li Design Values: Recycling, End of life, Community, Sustainability We chose this project because recently in class we have been looking at end of life options for electronics...
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