CARE Australia

CARE Australia

CARE Australia Case study curated by Hanbin Liang/Kevin, Yizhen Li & Peter/Panayiotis Kyprianou It starts with equal. As a group, we decided to share this project because CARE Australia is a leading international aid organisation that works around the globe to...


REGROUND Case Study curated by Yuchen Luo/Trafalgar and Sin Ting Lui/ Cindi Values: small-economy / local resource / recycling / contribution /community Reground is a program divert ground coffee waste from landfill in Melbourne. They educate the community on waste...
The TreeProject

The TreeProject

The TreeProject Case Study curated by Jimmy Witters Values: generosity, local resource, inclusiveness, kindness, recycling, contribution, community The TreeProject is a beautiful story about two women who made it there mission to plant one million trees. They have now...
Apple Liam

Apple Liam

Apple Liam Case study curated by Peter/Panayiotis Kyprianou, Kevin/Hanbin Liang and Yizhen Li Design Values: Recycling, End of life, Community, Sustainability We chose this project because recently in class we have been looking at end of life options for electronics...
Circular Economy : Parley Adidas shoe

Circular Economy : Parley Adidas shoe

Circular Economy : Parley Adidas shoe Case study curated by Christopher Papadopoulos The case study that I have chosen explores the ‘Parley’ organisation and movement, specifically their collaboration with worldwide sports brand Adidas on a sneaker that reuses plastic...